Welcome to jmzquantml Pages.

The jmzquantml is a Java API for reading and writing mzQuantML file which is designed for recording quantitative proteomic data and meta-data.

Download JAR file

The latest jar file can be downloaded from the central repository.

Use jmzquantml in maven

jmzquantml artifact is currently hosting in the Maven Central Repository (http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Ca%3A%22jmzquantml%22):

Simply add jmzquantml dependency (check for the latest version) to your pom.xml:



To help users to familiarise with the API, we have generated some example classes to illustrate the most important features. They can be found from ExampleCode1 and ExampleCode2.


The paper of jmzquantml API has been published in Proteomics. If you would like to cite jmzquantml in your paper, please use the following citation:


Qi, D., Krishna, R. and Jones, A. R. (2014), The jmzQuantML programming interface and validator for the mzQuantML data standard. Proteomics, 14: 685–688. doi: 10.1002/pmic.201300281


@article {QI14:PROTEOMICS, author = {Qi, Da and Krishna, Ritesh and Jones, Andrew R}, title = {The jmzQuantML programming interface and validator for the mzQuantML data standard}, journal = {PROTEOMICS}, volume = {14}, number = {6}, issn = {1615-9861}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pmic.201300281}, doi = {10.1002/pmic.201300281}, pages = {685--688}, keywords = {Bioinformatics, Java API, mzQuantML, Proteomics Standards Initiative, XML}, year = {2014}, }

Support or Contact

Dr Da Qi (@UKQIDA or D.Qi at liverpool.ac.uk , replace at with @)

Dr Andy Jones (Andrew.Jones at liverpool.ac.uk, replace at with @)